Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Whats been going on with ME!

Outside my window its sunny and there are a few fluffy clouds floating around.  It's the first day of spring and its beautiful.  I'm looking at the kids sandpit and realising a great christmas present would be sandpit toys :)

I have been listening to the string quartet group 'Bond'.  It's nice, fast music and helps with the housecleaning, plus its very nice music!!!

I am wearing track pants, toe socks and my faviourite knitted puple jumper (daggy but extreemly comfortable)

I am thankful for cold and flu panadol rapid.  My whole family is sick this week and panadol is the only way I'm surviving looking after two grumpy, sick but for some reason very active kids

I am pondering on how to truly love my husband and children whole-heartedly and to not take them or other great friendships for granted.

I am reading a book by Mary Beth Chapman. I havent gotten very far because it made me cry. I hate crying so I stopped reading for the meantime.  I will need to compose myself and get on with the reading for Book Club.

I am creating nothing..I'm not a creative person at all. But I will need to make dinner soon...that might be kinda creative.

I am praying praise to God - one of my best friends is pregnant with her first child.  Pray for Gods blessing on her, her husband and the little miracle growing inside her.

I am looking forward to floriade.  I havent really gone properly since living in Canberra and I think the kids will have a great time especially at the Petting Zoo. Plus, I love the flowers and the little shops. 

A few of my favourite things are
  • Saturday morning tea with Ben and the kids - coffee, donut, playground, and family catch up time.
  • Breaky chats with my Mum and Dad
  • Evening walks with the family
  • Listening to Zac call out "Mummy" which sounds more like "Marmeeee"...he sounds very adorable.
A picture thought I'm sharing is my sister and her kids.  Thinking of them and praying for the whole family as they prepare for the birth of their baby next month.

Monday, 15 August 2011

John 3:16 - 17

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the World to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved.

When I was younger, I heard a version of this passage to make it more personal to the reader.  I remember finding it very helpful before I was saved and was searching for God as my personal saviour. It is an encouragement to me even today. That God's work of salvation is for me personally and that God loves ME is still amazing and overwhelming.
(Obviously, you would insert your own name not mine)
"For God so loved Gini that He gave His only begotten Son,
that if Gini believes in Him, she shall not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son to condemn Gini
but that through Him Gini might be saved.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Random Happenings

I've taken a few photos of recent things that we have been doing and thought I would share them.
A few weeks ago the youth group went to Wee Jasper for a camp out.  Lydia stayed at her friends house over night and Zac slept in the back of the car. We had a great time of fellowship, studying the bible, singing, and games.  I couldn't get many photos because it got dark quickly, but here are a few of my two handsome men.
Happy boy
trying to claim daddy's camp stick
Zac has recently started loving typical boy things. So, instead of just following his sister around and playing with her things, we will now find him playing with cars, trains, balls, anything outside, and his favourite...Ben's nerf gun.
Zac 'shooting' the TV