At 12.30am on Thursday the 19th of May the Wyllie family started the long drive to Brisbane. Driving at night was good. For the first time in my life I didnt feel like sleeping so I did some of the driving (which was good because for some reason Ben was exhausted). The drive was a good one. The kids were entertained with 'I Spy' games and a few DVD's (thanks to Cassandra for lending the DVD player). We got to Brisbane at around 7.00pm. We were staying with some friends so it was nice to just get there and already have dinner warm and ready. We then crashed and all went to bed at 7.30.
We actually went to Brisbane for Ben's cousins wedding so on Friday we went to her house to catch up with family and to help out with the before wedding rush.
So, Saturday was the wedding. It was very handy staying a our friends house...we got free babysitters while we were all getting ready for the wedding.
Megan and all the bridesmaids looked gorgeous and it was just a really nice wedding. The kids went to the ceremony and the reception so they were pretty exhausted by the end of the night (but the good side of that was they both slept at church the next day)
After Church on Sunday, we spend afternoon tea with some good old friends I knew from Adelaide days. They how have 4 kids so it was nice for Lydia and Zac to play with them.
We then drove to Caloundra for our relaxing family holiday.
Monday was Ben's birthday and we went to UnderWater World to celebrate. We all had so so much fun. We got to touch a few of the animals (starfish, etc). We got to watch a seal show called "Seals Behaving Badly". We also went through the aquarium tunnel and walked under sharks and singrays and other big sea creatures. I think the most fun was watching the seal show. We got to see them do cool tricks and showoff how strong there were. We also got shown how the trainers teach the seals.
We also went to the Ginger Factory where we got lots of ginger marmilade and sauces. We also went for a ride and the little ginger steam train.
We finished off the day by having Ben's birthday dinner at the RSL club. Lydia got up and started dancing to a guy playing guitar (along with a few older people who was waltzing around). It was a little embarrassing when she really wanted Ben and I to dance with her. We were nice parents though and did a three person waltz.
Lydia and the turtles |
watching the seals |
watching the seals |
in the tunnel aquarium |
nemo |
lunch time |
Ben and Lydia |
Zacie | |
me | |
On the wedesday we hired a boat and took the kids out for morning tea. It was very windy but a lot of fun. Lydia and Zac really enjoyed driving the boat.
Lydia driving |
very windy |
Me driving |
crazy hair |
Ben and Zac driving |
On Thursday and Friday we drove home. That was a very exhausting trip because the kids were awake for most of it and really needed to be entertained a lot. That's when the games, DVD's and family sing-a-longs came in very handy.
Overall it was a wonderful holiday. It was great to just spend time together as a family and not have anything else to worry about for a few days.