Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Family Fun: Bowling

Today we went bowling.  The kids hadn't been before so it was pretty exciting. Lydia loved the fact that she could do it by herself. And Zac just loved catching and playing with the balls when they came back up the shoot.  They had so much fun. After we finished the game where Ben won and Lydia came second (much to my embarrassment) we played some games out the back and then went to Maccas for lunch.  Overall, it was a great fun family day

Here are some photos of the fun..  My camera died when we got there so I had to take the photos on the i-phone. Sorry they are not very good.

Lydia waiting for her ball
Zac playing with the balls
first bowl
attempting to bowl without the ramp
sitting and waiting for the ball to reach the end (which it didn't).
playing car games
Zac just likes pushing the buttons

And we finished the fun at Maccas

We had a great day. I'm pretty sure we will take the kids back someday soon:)

Monday, 25 April 2011

Easter Holiday at Wee Jasper

Over the Easter weekend, our family, along with Ben's parents and brother, went camping at Wee Jasper.  We had a great time there. Our days were mainly full of sleeping, eating, reading, playing with the kids, listening to music, and knitting but mainly just chatting.  Everybody's favourite part of the day was when the sun peaked over the hill and hit us fair in the face while having breakfast...we suddenly went from freezing cold with many layers on to needing sunglasses and t-shirts :)

Here are a few photos of what we did best at camp.

Our "homes"

The kids found their favourite seats
playing ball with Pappa
playing ball

puzzles with Nanna
peek-a-boo with Dad
Just chillin'
Our Umpalumpa
kids going for a walk
man of the fire
music around the fire
devotions around the fire

on a walk

throwing rocks
one cold morning
Lydia took this...it looks quite artistic
sleepy kids on the way home

Sunday, 17 April 2011

My Little Helper

This morning I explained to Lydia that I needed to spend the day cleaning the house so I could pack for camping in a clean house (we are going away over Easter).  I told her that she would have to play by herself today but I would spend tomorrow with her.
I didnt really expect her to reply at all and I thought I would have to spend the rest of the day reminding her what we had talked about but instead she said that she would help me clean so then we could spend ALL DAY together.  She thought it was such a great idea and the idea of spending all day together sounded pretty good to the both of us. I'm so proud of her for thinking of it and for coming up with a solution to her problem.
I love my little helper!

Doing the dishes. She kept telling me I was too slow

 Lucky Zac got to sit and have morning tea while the work was going on

 Doing the dusting

Sweeping the floor
 Zac decided to start being a helper too

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Parental Advice

So...any parents out there (or anyone else who has a thought). I need some advice...

My 14 month old son has decided that he only needs one sleep a day. I'm fine with that, except he has decided that he will give up his afternoon sleep instead of his morning one.  I thought this was kind of weird. I thought most kids gave up the morning sleep first. The problem with not having an afternoon nap is that he is so so tired by dinner time and wont eat properly.  He then wont sleep properly because he is still hungry. It would also be a lot more convenient for me to have him sleep in the afternoon. 

So, any advice anyone???...What do you recommended I do with my Cheeky Little Monkey?

Thursday, 7 April 2011

My Photo Plans

I have many decorative plans for our house. Putting up family photos is the main thing I want to get done . . .

I plan on blowing this photo up, framing it and putting it above my bed!
I cant decide whether it print it in colour or black and white though.

I also want to print the photos of the kids when they were 3 months old . . .
Lydia                                                 Zachary
(wow, Lydia was a chubba bubba)

A friend from church is painting a picture for our living room. I'm very excited to get it and see what it looks like. I'll post some pictures when I get it.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

My First Post

This is my new and first blog!  I love reading other people's blogs and finding out what other people do in their days. So i though that maybe I should start a blog and try to give as much encouragement to people as other blogs have given to me. So I'm going to attempt to be a blogger!!! This blog is going to be where I can post my thoughts, my photos, and what the Lord is teaching me day by day. I pray it will be a blessing to you, and you can gain encouragement and enjoyment from what is going on in the Wyllie household.

So, I'll tell you a little about myself . . .

I was born in January 1987. I grew up in Adelaide, SA with my parents and 3 other siblings. I am the 3rd out of my siblings and very much enjoy having both older and younger brothers and sisters. I grew up in a Christian family where we were all encouraged to seek the Lord in everything.

I went to Para Vista Primary School and Modbury High School. When I finished school I went to Stones and Muriden Business College. I then worked for 6 months at Education.au (in Adelaide). In 2006 I moved to Wagga to be with my fiance Ben and worked at 'Sureway'.

I was married to my wonderful husband on 10 February, 2007.   I love my Ben so much and I love that love and care that he shows to me and our children. I love his gentle and funny but leading spirit. I love that God always comes first in his life and I love how he portrays this to his family.

So, we lived in Wagga while Ben finished his University degree in IT. In October 2007 we moved to Canberra and Ben started working for an IT security business.  We started attending Westminster Presbyterian Church and have made many long lasting friends.

In January 2008, the Lord blessed Ben and I with a baby daughter. Lydia is a beautiful girl. She is happy, talkative, funny, caring, sociable, sometimes stubborn and just a really special girl. She is always so much fun to talk to and to spend my day with.

In February 2010, the Lord blessed us again with a baby son. Zachary has quite a personality.  He enjoys being at home with his family and doesn't much like other people yet. But when we are home, he is always laughing and trying to be funny. He is a happy, playful boy. He is a very special boy and is lots of fun to wrestle with on the lounge room floor.

Anyway, I need to go now but it has been fun to start a blog. I hope you have fun reading. Let me know what you think!!!
