Monday, 31 October 2011

Random Photos

Here are a few random cute photos of my kiddies.

Playing at church

Shame its blurry but she is so sweet :)

Such a happy handsome man :)

I love my kids :)

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Dakota Zane Stanley

My Sister and brother-in-law had their baby boy on Saturday morning.  They welcomed the newest addition to their family at 12:12am on the 29th of October. A baby boy, Dakota Zane weighing in at 8lb 6oz. 
Penny had a fairly quick 3 hour homebirth. Dakota has been a very good boy so far and is already happily looking up at his very loving brother and sister.  Penny and Dakota are doing very well as you can see from the photos. 
Dakota means Friend and his middle name Zane means 'God's Grace' after the church they are attending in Dunedin, New Zealand, (Grace Presbyterian Church) and the Grace God has shown to them as a family.
 “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” – James 1:17
Nathan, Penny and Dakota
Miles and Dakota
Antigone and Dakota
Nathan and Dakota
Dakota in his marino cocoon Grandma made

He's a very wrinkly little baby :)

“From the fullness of grace we have received one blessing after another” -  John 1:16

Friday, 28 October 2011


I forgot to send out a cheerful 'Happy Birthday' to our Livi.


Happy Birthday Olivia
Olivia: Symbol of peace

Friday, 14 October 2011

Wee Jasper Camp

On Thursday the 6th we drove to Wee Jasper for our long weekend Church camp.  We arrived first and started setting up the tent.  We managed to get there at a good time because it started raining just after we had set up our tarp and tent.
The kids had such a great time. They loved just wondering around outside, up and down the hill, through the puddles and rocks, behind trees and between sheep.
We found out that our kids are very much the outdoorsy kind of kids. Since being home, all Zac asks for is his boots so he can go outside.  Lydia's favourite thing about camping was playing with Claudia, Livi, Elijah and Emma.  The four of them constantly went up the hill to play at Claudia's house.
Zac's favourite thing was throwing rocks in the puddle and going in the puddle. One day is was paricualy warm and him and a few others went in with singlet and nappies on...they turned a beautiful brown colour but loved every minute of the mud!

We don't have a working camera at the moment so here are some photos that others took.

Friday the 7th was Darcy's Birthday
Darcy with his birthday present
Cousins - Zac and Darcy
Sam and Zac playing on the famous gravel pile...a few accidents happened here !!!
Little Teapots (don't ask me why) - Emma and Lydia
At the swinging rope - Lydia, Livi, Emma
funny funny funny - Zac, Georgia, Lydia, Emma
I wasn't the only strange looking person that night!
Cousins - Livi, Lydia
The puddles were the most popular activity
A very muddy Georgia who thouroughly enjoyed the puddles
Bubbles. . .
. . .were meant for the little kids but entertained the "big kids" :)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

4 become 5

Our family is growing ! ! !
We praise God for the wonderful blessing of our baby due in May 2012.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

Monday, 3 October 2011


On Monday (the long weekend) we went to Floriade.
Since one of Zac's first words was 'flower' and Lydia just likes pretty things, we really wanted to take the kids to Floriade so they could enjoy the pretty flowers, the animals, the music, the food, and some fun family time.
Well, unfortunately, the petting Zoo was closed and its now a reptile house.  The lineup was long and we didn't think the kids would enjoy it that much so we moved on. We ended up browsing the shops, smelling ALL of the flowers and then sitting on the grass to eat crackers and dip while listening to live music. We had a great afternoon, and it was lots of fun to just be able to go out as a family.
Zac having fun running around

Ben and Lydia listening to music

Photo taken by Lydia

Pretty flowers, Pretty girl

Me and the kids

Monday, 26 September 2011

Enthusiastic Musicians

If you didn't already know, I love Celtic music. So naturally, my kids love it too. After watching many youtube clips (like the ones below), Lydia is VERY unsure about her future. She does not know if she wants to be a dancing violinist or a dancing flutist...a huge dilema. I guess she'll just have to figure it out when she is a bit older ...or she can do both :)

You have to love their enthusiasm!!!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Special Moments

My kids must be going through very affectionate stages.  They have both been very loving and cuddly lately...

This afternoon, Lydia and I were having quiet time on my bed. We were just talking about anything and everything. (Lydia is a typical 3 year old who has many questions and lots to say).  Towards the end of our conversation I said "I Love you Lydi!, Do you know how much I love you?" And she said, while giving me a big, tight cuddle "2000 cuddles of love". It was very special. I'm glad she feels loved and it really made me feel loved too.

Zac has recently started giving very tight cuddles around your neck.  He has also learnt to say "I Love you".  So when you get a tight cuddle around your neck with a growl, it means he wants a bear hug and the wrestling is about to start.  But when you get a tight cuddle around your neck with a "I love you", you know you are going to be there for a while because it is impossible to put him down without giving him a long, tight cuddle with many, many kisses.

I Love you Lydi and Zac

Maybe a little too affectionate :)

Sunday, 11 September 2011


I was recently looking up encouraging bible verses to put in prayer cards for some of my friends.  I came across this excerpt from a book by Nancy DeMoss (I have just finished reading another book by Nancy and got a lor out of it).  I really liked her comments about praise and have decided that maybe I should read her book 'A Place of Quiet Rest'.  I'll let you know what I think of the book when I have read it.  If anyone has read it, tell me what you thought of it. . .
 "I will bless the Lord at all times:
His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
Psalms 34:1
Praise is an expression of faith and an act of the will. It is not based on how we feel.

"Every day I will bless Thee;
and I will praise Thy name for ever and ever."
Psalms 145:2
Praise is not a response to our circumstances, which constantly fluctuate. Praise is a response to the goodness and love of God who never changes.

"By [Jesus] therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name."
Hebrews 13:15
Praise demonstrates faith that God is bigger and greater than any circumstance we may be facing.

One of the ways I love to praise God is with my music

"My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed:
I will sing and give praise."
Psalm 57:7
Praise is a ministry to God. Praise is first and foremost for God, not for us. The purpose of praise is to bring Him blessing and pleasure, not to make us feel good.

"Praise the Lord, O my soul;
 all my inmost being, praise His holy Name."
Psalm 103:1
Excerpts from: A Place of Quiet Rest
by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Whats been going on with ME!

Outside my window its sunny and there are a few fluffy clouds floating around.  It's the first day of spring and its beautiful.  I'm looking at the kids sandpit and realising a great christmas present would be sandpit toys :)

I have been listening to the string quartet group 'Bond'.  It's nice, fast music and helps with the housecleaning, plus its very nice music!!!

I am wearing track pants, toe socks and my faviourite knitted puple jumper (daggy but extreemly comfortable)

I am thankful for cold and flu panadol rapid.  My whole family is sick this week and panadol is the only way I'm surviving looking after two grumpy, sick but for some reason very active kids

I am pondering on how to truly love my husband and children whole-heartedly and to not take them or other great friendships for granted.

I am reading a book by Mary Beth Chapman. I havent gotten very far because it made me cry. I hate crying so I stopped reading for the meantime.  I will need to compose myself and get on with the reading for Book Club.

I am creating nothing..I'm not a creative person at all. But I will need to make dinner soon...that might be kinda creative.

I am praying praise to God - one of my best friends is pregnant with her first child.  Pray for Gods blessing on her, her husband and the little miracle growing inside her.

I am looking forward to floriade.  I havent really gone properly since living in Canberra and I think the kids will have a great time especially at the Petting Zoo. Plus, I love the flowers and the little shops. 

A few of my favourite things are
  • Saturday morning tea with Ben and the kids - coffee, donut, playground, and family catch up time.
  • Breaky chats with my Mum and Dad
  • Evening walks with the family
  • Listening to Zac call out "Mummy" which sounds more like "Marmeeee"...he sounds very adorable.
A picture thought I'm sharing is my sister and her kids.  Thinking of them and praying for the whole family as they prepare for the birth of their baby next month.

Monday, 15 August 2011

John 3:16 - 17

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the World to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him might be saved.

When I was younger, I heard a version of this passage to make it more personal to the reader.  I remember finding it very helpful before I was saved and was searching for God as my personal saviour. It is an encouragement to me even today. That God's work of salvation is for me personally and that God loves ME is still amazing and overwhelming.
(Obviously, you would insert your own name not mine)
"For God so loved Gini that He gave His only begotten Son,
that if Gini believes in Him, she shall not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son to condemn Gini
but that through Him Gini might be saved.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Random Happenings

I've taken a few photos of recent things that we have been doing and thought I would share them.
A few weeks ago the youth group went to Wee Jasper for a camp out.  Lydia stayed at her friends house over night and Zac slept in the back of the car. We had a great time of fellowship, studying the bible, singing, and games.  I couldn't get many photos because it got dark quickly, but here are a few of my two handsome men.
Happy boy
trying to claim daddy's camp stick
Zac has recently started loving typical boy things. So, instead of just following his sister around and playing with her things, we will now find him playing with cars, trains, balls, anything outside, and his favourite...Ben's nerf gun.
Zac 'shooting' the TV