Saturday, 25 August 2012

Nanna, Snow, and Dress Ups

Here are some more photos of different things that have been going on with us lately.

Well, firstly, here is just a photo of Levi and Me. First thing in the morning, he is a very happy boy. A good nights sleep will do that to you :)

Here is a photo of Levi at 1 hour old and 3 months old.  I tried to put him in the same pose so you can really see how much he has grown.

I know I'm bias, but isn't he just too CUTE

Friday the 17th...
was GRANDPARENTS DAY.  Lydia was lucky enough to have Nanna come visit (and thank you Nanna for waking up at 5(ish) to get here on time - what a great Nanna.

Lydi has such a great time and is still talking about the excitment of having everyones Grandparents stay at their school for the morning. Lydi says the best things were painting with Nanna, making cookies for Nanna and reading books with Nanna.
To top off all the fun, it also snowed. This was the first time anyone in our family has seen snow so we were all pretty excited. It looked so so pretty falling down on the school oval.
  The kids wanted to build snowmen...unfortunatly, there really wasnt enough snow to do that.  They had to just live with making paper snowflakes. 

Lydia had book week at school this week.  She got to dress up as a character from her favourite book.  Her favourite book at the moment is a book called "It's Mine" by Leo Leonni.  The book is about three rather selfish speckled frogs who constantly say "It's Mine" but in the end they learn to share everything together and realise that life in the pond is a lot more fun to play in TOGETHER. Well, one of the frogs names is Lydia (I'm pretty sure thats the only reason Lydi likes it). Here is Lydia's costume - designed and made by Lydia (with Mum's help obviously) :) Don't you think she did a great job?


I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant
between me and you and your descendants after you
for the generations to come, to be your God 
and the God of your descendants after you.
Genesis 17:7

On Sunday the 19th of August our son Levi Jacob was baptised. I love watching baptisms, especially when it is your own child.  
Firstly, its fun to see how the baby is going to react. Well, Levi was his usual chilled out self. I think he just enjoyed being up on the stage so he could see everyone looking at him.
Secondly, it is wonderful (and daunting) to promise to bring up our children in the way of the Lord, teaching them God's love and saving work. It is a great reminder (especially when it is so easy to be slack) to use every part of my children's lives, to teach them about God, their sin, repentance and forgivness. And also, how to be bright, shinning lights in this world.
My Prayer for Our Levi...

Dear Father, Thank you for this treasured child of mine. Although you have entrusted him to me, I know he belongs to you and he is always in your care.

Help me as a parent, Lord, with my weaknesses and imperfections. Give me strength and godly wisdom to raise Levi after your Holy Word. Please supply what I lack. Keep Levi walking on the path that leads to eternal life. Help him to overcome the temptations in this world and the sin that would so easily entangle him.  

When it’s hard to be patient… make him willing to suffer
When it’s ridiculous to be thankful … make him see all is grace
When it’s radical to forgive…make him live the foundation of our faith
And when it’s time to work… make him a holy wonder.

Send your Holy Spirit daily to lead and guide him. Ever assist him to grow in wisdom and stature, in grace and knowledge, in kindness, compassion and love. May he serve you faithfully with his whole heart devoted to you. May he discover the joy of your presence through daily relationship with your Son, Jesus. 
Help me never to hold on too tightly to my boy, nor neglect my responsiblities before you as a parent. Lord, let my committment to raise Levi for the glory of your name cause his life to forever testify of your faithfulness. And raise me, Lord, from the deadness of my own sins to love this wonderful boy like You do…In the name of Christ...Amen…

"A Parents Prayer"